Does Chad Bird offer any online Bible Studies or classes?

Chad Bird has several online resources for Bible Study. He has three podcasts that are in the 1517 Podcast network, all of which are available on any podcast app.

The first is “40 Minutes in the Old Testament,” which he co-hosts with Daniel Emery Price. They have been working their way, verse by verse, through the entire Old Testament. Think of it as an online commentary in podcast form. They have covered Genesis through Nehemiah over the last 7 or 8 years.

The second podcast is “A Field Guide to the Bible,” in which Chad and two cohosts (Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen) give a broad overview of the entire Bible in twenty-six episodes. The third is “Hidden Streams,” which is a devotional podcast on the Psalms, complete with a reading of the psalm, a meditation, and original music composed to match the theme of the psalm.

Chad also offers two free online classes through the 1517 Academy. Both are on Christ in the Old Testament. The first is a shorter class, geared toward use for individuals or in an adult Bible Class setting. The second is a longer and more in-depth class, suited for a university-level setting.

In addition, he posts daily and weekly videos on biblical subjects on his YouTube channel, as well as his Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok channels (click on the LinkTree for all those channels).