How do I review a book?

How to get a review copy of a book

If you are interested in reviewing one or more of our titles, email us at Please include information about how the review would be published, or, if you are an educator, the institution where the book might be used. We will respond promptly.

How to leave a review for one of our books

On the 1517 Shop -

At the bottom of any book description page is a “write a review” link. If you click on that, it will direct you to a form to submit a review. We appreciate your efforts and will post the review after we have looked at it to ensure it meets basic standards.

On Amazon 

At the bottom of the product page, below the product details section, is a text link for seeing reviews. The line says customer reviews and gives the number of ratings. Click on the number of ratings, and the rating page will appear.  In the left-hand column of the new page, below the bar graph, is a button for posting a review. Click the button, and it will provide a form where you can submit your product review.